Ca 200 pages,
many photos, tables, etc
210 x 297mm, hardbound
To be published in 2023
Cold War Reconnaissance Over
the Baltic
Lennart Andersson and Robert S
Hopkins III
This book is about Cold War
electronic reconnaissance with an
emphasis on missions undertaken by
the United States, United Kingdom
and Sweden, but a number of other
nations, including France, are part
of the story as well. Sweden’s
location on the Baltic Sea gave it a
dominant role in Baltic area defence
matters and in preparations for a
war that luckily never broke out.
The authors have benefited from
access to previously classified
material in American, British and
Swedish archives related to airborne
SIGINT activities over the Baltic
1946 to 1990. Swedish material
relates not only to Swedish Air
Force operations, but to all foreign
flights and activities that were
observed by Swedish radar
surveillance and intelligence
agencies in the Baltic area. By
combining and comparing the
documents from these sources, it is
now possible for the first time to
achieve a better understanding of
what really took place in the
sometimes dangerously crowded skies
over the Baltic Sea during the Cold
After protracted pre-publication
review by American authorities
Crowded Skies was released for
publication in June, but a month
later the decision was retracted!
Why is not yet clear. More
information to follow.

