Aeroflot Origins (Red Stars 6)
Apali 2009. Hard bound, 352 pages, 22 x 30,5 cm, hundreds of photos, maps, tables and listings. In English.
Out of print, but available from second-hand booksellers online, especially in Finland.
Aeroflot Origins (Red Stars 6)

RUSSIAN CIVIL AIRCRAFT REGISTER INFORMATION PUBLISHED HERE FOR THE FIRST TIME! (For almost 13,000 individual aircraft) Format 22 x 30,5 cm, 352 pages, lots of photos, lists and tables, weight 1,6 kg
Sample pages from the book Contents: Preface General history of civil aviation Deruluft (1922-1940) Junkers-Luftverkehr (1922-24) Dobrolet (1923-30) Ukrvozdukhput’ (1923-30) Mugmel’stroi, Azdobrolet and Zakavia (1923-25) ODVF, Aviakhim and Osoaviakhim (1923-41) Other civil aviation activities GVF- Aeroflot (1930-41) Specialised Aviation (1931-45) The Civil Air Fleet (GVF) at war (1941-45) Civil aircraft types Civil aircraft production Aircraft types Imported and licence-built types Minor types Imported minor types Light and homebuilt aircraft Soviet civil aircraft registers Sources and literature Appendices Civil Aircraft Registers 1922-29 Civil Aircraft Register 1929-31 Civil Aircraft Register 1931-45 